PACE Professional Arts CoalitionProfessional Arts Coalition of Edmonton

A New Newsletter
The Professional Arts Coalition of Edmonton wants to keep you informed about important topics, issues and events in our arts community. That’s why PACE is starting a monthly newsletter with updates on what their committees have been working on and what PACE members are up to. PACE  hopes you enjoy reading these each month and that it brings you a greater understanding of what PACE is doing for you!

News from the Advocacy Committee
The PACE Advocacy Committee met with a number of civic and provincial elected officials in the first quarter of 2015. They presented a positive agenda of constructive initiatives to support the arts and culture communities in Edmonton and were generally warmly received. Specifically PACE advocated for:
1. Development of a more robust and up-to-date inventory of commercial and institutional spaces in Edmonton which could be used, even on a temporary basis, by various arts practitioners and organizations. Looking at Renew Newcastle, Australia, project, as an example of database management. (Pace will follow up with Arts Habitat Edmonton)

2. Stronger engagement with tourism organizations at the civic and provincial level with a view to actively incorporating the diversity and quality of Edmonton arts and culture into the marketing of Edmonton as a tourist destination. (PACE will seek meetings shortly with EEDC and Edmonton Tourism)

3. Research and material support (including touring and exhibit grants) to enable Edmonton’s arts and culture communities to find and access viable new markets for their “products” at the provincial, national and even international level.
With the election of a New Democrat government in Alberta, and the appointment of David Eggen as minister of Education as well as minister of Culture and Recreation, PACE will be seeking as early a meeting as possible with Mr. Eggen as well as with members of the full Edmonton government caucus. Mindful of the financial constraints the government faces, PACE will nonetheless be reminding the government of cuts to arts funding in recent years by the previous administration.

New Committee Members
PACE are currently seeking new members for the Communications Committee. The PACE Communications Committee is a working committee that strives to engage the Edmonton arts community by informing members on pertinent topics and issues affecting the arts community as well as highlighting events and projects through a monthly newsletter and active social media. The Communications Committee also supports the other PACE committees (Advocacy, Mayor Celebration of the Arts) by creating marketing and support materials ranging from #yegvotesarts buttons during the 2013 municipal election to the advocacy tool kit on the PACE website.

No previous experience sitting on a committee or board is necessary, just a willingness to learn and a passion for the arts. The PACE communications committee meets every six weeks. If you’re interested please email PACE Executive Director Sheiny Satanove at with a brief summary of your involvement in the arts.
For more information please visit