Serving Visual Artists in Alberta

Webinar | How To Fund That Project

Webinar | How To Fund That Project

22apr6:30 pm8:00 pmWebinar | How To Fund That ProjectFind out how project grants work and how to begin writing a grant that juries want to read

Event Details

April 2020 Webinars

Kari McQueen (Arts Development Consultant – Visual Arts And New Media, Alberta Foundation for the Arts) will speak about what grants can do for your career and how to go about getting them.

Noreen Neu (Policy And Planning Advisor, Saskatchewan Arts Board) will add to the conversation by discussing what makes a good grant proposal. If you want to know more about how grants work, this is your chance.

Register now through Eventbrite

  • All sessions are free for Alberta Craft Council and CARFAC Alberta members. Please RSVP for each session by following the “Member RSVP” link in each session description.
  • Non-members pay $25 per ticket by following the “Buy Ticket” Eventbrite link in each session description.
  • Both webinars run from 6:30 until  8pm.
  • After the two thirty–minute talks, there will be a thirty minute discussion based on written
    questions from you, the audience

For more information, contact us.


April 22, 2020 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


All Access Webinar

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CARFAC Alberta

Our mission is to promote the visual arts in Alberta and help Alberta artists become more professional in their practice. We are a communication hub between members of the visual arts community and the general public. We advocate for and serve Alberta’s visual artists.

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