Artwork by Samantha McLeod
The following Professional Development opportunities are examples of what we offer. Current listings of webinars, workshops and talks can be found near the top of our home page in the calendar section.
Artwork by Samantha McLeod
The following Professional Development opportunities are examples of what we offer. Current listings of webinars, workshops and talks can be found near the top of our home page in the calendar section.
Open to newcomer arts professionals in both Edmonton and [...]
What every artist should know: Best Practices for visual [...]
March 15, 2022 6–7pm Join us for free program by social media strategist Linda [...]
Taxation for Artists with Roger Thomson, CA Saturday, March 12, [...]
Writing Winning Proposals: Grant Writing 101 Workshop Wednesday, February 9 [...]
Members of CARFAC Alberta, CARFAC Saskatchewan and CARFAC National: Please RSVP for [...]
Members of CARFAC Alberta, CARFAC Saskatchewan and CARFAC National: Please RSVP [...]
Upcoming on Friday February 5 from 1–3pm, Elephant Artist Relief [...]