Hill Strategies New report examines the number and situation of artists in Canada finds that there are more artists than auto workers.

Statistical Insights on the Arts Vol. 12 No. 2 October 7, 2014

Report funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council

A Statistical Profile of Artists and Cultural Workers in Canada
There are 136,600 artists in Canada who spent more time at their art than at any other occupation in May of 2011 (which is when the National Household Survey data were collected). The number of artists represents 0.78% of the overall Canadian labour force. One in every 129 Canadian workers is an artist.
The number of artists (136,600) is slightly higher than the labour force in automotive manufacturing (133,000) and slightly lower than the labour force in the utilities sector (149,900) and telecommunications (158,300).

Full report also available…
… on the websites of Hill Strategies Research, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Ontario Arts Council.